NS2 Launch - Update & Apology

Hey guys,

I launched Naughty Sandbox 2 as free-to-play earlier in the month, with the idea that some content would be available to free players, and additional bonus content would be available to those who support the project via Patreon or Subscribe Star.

Many comments were complaining about the lack of any content at all, and I have been replying with disagreements, stating that there WAS content available, toys to play with, character customization etc, and I was quite disheartened at the feedback where people seemed to be expecting a lot more out of a free product.

I thought commenters were exaggerating and being entitled.

I realized today after packaging up an updated build, that a bug (a left-over save file on my own development machine) was unlocking the content for me during testing, but for others, absolutely no content was available.

I am sorry, and embarrassed, that I launched an unplayable product. And more so, I'm ashamed that instead of taking commenters at their word that no content was available, that I assumed you were using hyperbole for effect.

Naughty Sandbox 2 on Itch has had many downloads, and while there has been a vocal minority who have commented their disappointment, I'm sure there's hundreds more people who are just quietly disappointed and have written off Naughty Sandbox and myself as a developer, which is entirely my fault for not thoroughly testing.

There is now an updated build, with a lot of things to play with, and hopefully closer represents my intention with Naughty Sandbox 2, as a fun lewd sandbox to play with for free, with bonus content for fans, rather than what was before, essentially a pointless executable.

While it's still a limited and unpolished project right now, more content is planned each month for both free players, & bonus content for subscribers. Some options that are currently exclusive to supporters of the project will trickle down into the free-to-play mode over time as more stuff is added.

If you happen to be reading this after initially trying Naughty Sandbox 2 over the past few weeks, pleeaase download the update to see if it's closer to what you expected.


an embarrassed dev


MSUDEV1.6.zip 1.7 GB
Nov 30, 2022

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how to play or start it? bought it in a bundle, downloaded but only have a screen to select anything, if i click on itchio nothing happens.


I have no clue how to download the fixed version. The "Download Now" button above takes me to the not fixed version of the game... Please help me! (awesome game dude)


I have no doubts your game will be a success even with a small mishap like this. Looking forward to seeing you progress and am (as a fellow unreal dev) very impressed by the tech you managed to put in to the game!


We all make mistakes :) I and many others see great potential in your project. Game dev is never easy and something always goes wrong. Thanks for the updated content!


<3 <3 <3


it is okay we forgive you


dude I needed that thnks